Gonzalo Lira recently posted two soliloquies which were both accusatory and predictive about NATO’s apparent motivations and likely near-term kinetic military objectives. He concluded that after detonating a “dirty bomb” on Ukrainian territory, the USA and NATO would use the opportunity as an excuse to move the 101st Airborne Division from Romania into Odessa.
While I think his big picture thinking is generally correct, I disagree with Mr. Lira on the mission of the 101st Airborne Division in the scenario he described.
Sorry it's so long. The involvement of US troops would likely be under the guise of humanitarian relief with the added benefit of a speed bump for further Russian advancement. Capturing the largest port in Ukraine with its rail freight terminals, gives the opportunity to offload armor and heavy equipment necessary for when the bordering nations, who are currently cooperating, back out due to the risks associated with being the next front line territories if the US pushes for article V. NATO will fold like a suit from Wish once the temperatures drop to typical winter conditions in Europe.
Allegedly, Germany is already having push back from soldiers refusing to fight the Russians or, perhaps more likely, the youngsters listened to Great Grandfather's stories of the Eastern front. Instead, hopefully, it will be a blocking maneuver to keep the Ukrainian puppets from hauling ass with the national Treasury via submarine. I pray that the 101st and the Frontline Russians get to have celebration or "arrange/ think for three" like they did on the Elbe back in 1945.
BTW to "arrange/ think for three" is when three people split a half liter bottle of Vodka into three glasses. --сообразить на троих. I so wish Russia and the US could open the door to a lasting friendship. The people seem like the country folk from Appalachia, maybe a little rough for proper table manners but warm and devoted to family like country folks in the backwoods of the South. Growing up in America during the cold war, I had the impression Russians were stupid bordering on retardation and cruel, cold , and without a care for their families. Having been exposed to actual Russians showed me a different reality however.