In order of likelyhood:
False Flag with a purpose of crafting a narrative to frame the right and gain sympathy votes for dems just before the election.
Nancy beat the shit out of him herself and they scooped up the nearest homeless meth addict to be the fall guy and they'll spin the story to reflect #1.
He actually was attacked but not by someone who broke in, but by someone he knows who was invited in, only for something to go terribly wrong (drugs, money, some shady deal of any kind just take your pick) and they'll spin the story to reflect #1
Dude drank so much he tripped and fell so they'll spin the story to reflect #1
One of his security guys did it so they'll spin the story to reflect #1.
Security actually fell asleep on the job, someone actually broke in, and no matter the reason or the motive they'll spin the story to reflect #1.
#3 ftw