David DePape had 3 kids with Gypsy Taub
Gypsy Taub wrote that DePape was in a SATANIC CULT, and he rp his own kids with this SATANIC CULT
David DePape had 3 other kids, and his daughter says that he rpd all three of them too.
Gypsy Taub ratted out David DePape's satanic cult child rp after she was jailed for trying to kidnap the child of a member of a/the satanic cult
Gypsy Taub was promoted by the media with her nudist activism
Gypsy Taub had her baby daddy (and long-time roommate) David De'Pape serve as best man at her 2015 wedding to a 20 year old guy in front of city hall:
Kek https://twitter.com/FuryOriental/status/1586050138044522496?s=20&t=vN0FXS-kQeUR9w5iGF_Csw
Ultra-MAGA hoodlums! Joe better hurry up with those F-15's and nukes!
https://nitter.net/FuryOriental/status/1586050138044522496?s=20&t=vN0FXS-kQeUR9w5iGF_Csw I don't know if anyone is still being wary of twitter ATM but JIC
https://mobile.twitter.com/pivanputs/status/1586079793983893504 ? thoughts ? XD
Woah now just Chan chatter look at thiis
Gypsy Taub was promoted by the media with her nudist activism
Here's the link to his daughter's claims, for future threads:
I don’t have time to dig my fridge burnt out this am …not sure what’s going on here