posted ago by reveries_aquatiques ago by reveries_aquatiques +17 / -0

Amid much joyous stampeding (like a herd of gazelles sweeping across a South African savanna!) to celebrate Elon Musk taking over Twitter - perhaps even more important is the truth that here in America, We the People actually still possess our undiluted Constitutional right to Free Speech.

Despite how many 'widespread public marketplace' platforms have been manipulatively designed so as to be excused as 'Private'...... merely owning them should not not give Marxist or other subversive forces any right to use them to cancel dissident speech.

[The question of violating societal 'community standards' (as with lawful public obscenity laws) is a nuanced, different issue. As is yelling 'fire!' for no reason in a crowded theater.

But the difference is, these speech restrainment issues are matters of already settled Constitutional law. Imposing 'Wokism' on others, e.g., is not.]

No one person or group (even or especially some Oligarch) can be permitted to hijack and become the gatekeeper (or even proxy 'champion') of our human and Constitutional Free Speech rights.

That mindset is so self-disempowering. What does having a benevolent gatekeeper (now, at long last!), make everyone else - the serfs?

Imagine if Musk was going the other direction(!!!) We ultimately need to have way better safeguards in place, than looking to one individual to benificently 'bestow' our already given rights on us.