We keep being told this so I decided to look up whether the number 17 has any significance in the Bible, and this was the very first thing that came up.
"The meaning of the number 17 In the Bible is that of "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory.""
"number 17, which testifies to Christ's perfect overcoming of Satan."
Chills.. let's go!!! And dig, meme, and PRAY :)
Do you have sauce for this?
I believe that white hats placed the "Q" there to guard JFK's gravesite.
I believe DS was in control and did it, no sauce other than thats what it looks like to me based on who was in charge. There is supposedly numerologic intent to the angle the Q is relative to north but it is all stuff that you won't find proof of but there is likely symbology going on there regardless
Ok...thanks! I'll keep digging...