I had been wondering for some time how all the Deep State stuff is coordinated. There have been many reports on this site of how exactly the same stories show up on all the Fake News outlets. How EXACTLY does that happen?
Democrats are really amazing at voter fraud. They have turned it into an art form. But how EXACTLY do they coordinate the effort? All the pieces -- ballot dumps, voting machine fuckery, etc. HAS to be centrally coordinated in order to work. What is the mechanism for doing this?
And crooked politicians are everywhere -- local, state, and federal government. They are kept under control. How does this work?
There would need to be a large-scale web-based system with communications and task management. Such a system probably would not be deep in the background. It would work better if it were something out in the open, so no one would go searching for it.
Could it have been Twitter, including its direct messaging?
Twitter was already a Fake News outlet, and hired major wokes at major salaries. What a perfect place for a Central Woke Machine? (kinda like "coke machine")
Enter Elon Musk as the Wild Card. We didn't know quite what to make of him. But that meant that Deep State didn't know what to make of him either. He farts around with the actual purchase until early voting gets going and then BOOM! Gone are the Wokes. His people are going in looking at the code. What's next, I don't know. But the movie sure got yet more interesting.
Did their Woke Machine get shut down right when they needed it, with no time to replace it?
And then, this Paul Pelosi thing and the Homo with the Hammer (thank a GW member for that one). I think that was an accidental bonus. I don't see how white hats could have set that up. But, if anyone needed more evidence that Democrats are degenerates...
What are your thoughts on this, especially on the Woke Machine concept?
The woke crowd always tells you what they fear by what they REEEEE about. If they screech and throw a tantrum about Musk buying twitter, and even launch a fed investigation on national security grounds, there is more to it than a "free speech" disagreement.
They have had months to come up with a way of removing and destroying that evidence. Why should we think it is still there? Does a government agency have it? Most probably. But that doesn't mean Musk has it. They even had a few days heads up on when this was closing. I did notice it appeared to close the day before we were told it would close. However, you'd think that the plan of removing this shit would have been put into place because they couldn't possibly chance it getting out if it were there.
I know these people are morons. But I've not seen them be this moronic. Especially with advanced notice. And many of the same people who were in on this are still currently working there. Witness the Brazil election tweet fact checking.
You mean like Hilldog's IT guy asking how to bleachbit her servers on plebbit?
Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks and his user name was "Stonetear"
That is pretty moronic. But at least the dude carried it out. Would be shocking that they did not remove all the filth.