I'm in the tech industry, and have some upcoming forced diversity training... I've ignored it for as long as I can apparently and have been told I need to do it "or else". No joke it is called "Diversity Inclusion and Equity Training" DIE!
I've talked to the person telling me I need to do it, and they've told me "you don't need to believe it, you just need to do it". I've been struggling with whether I should resist or just waste time and do it.
I've come to the conclusion that if I resist, every other job I can get in this industry is going the same way. So can I just laugh and waste time while doing it? That's my plan at the moment. The "training" is through Trailiant. This is a company that seems to pander to current woke ideology.
I'm planning on reporting back, what the videos and training are on, etc.. There certainly is a part of me, small maybe, but a part, that feels I am betraying my very being. Why would I waste my time with any of this BS?! Well, this has certainly caused me to be disenchanted with the industry as a whole. I'm done "trying", I will simply keep up appearances to continue collecting a paycheck. If the industry changes, so will I.
I'd be interesting in hearing from anyone else that has had to do this. Any thoughts on my approach, whether cowardly, or of the opinion "what else can you do?". (Note: I am with a company that "recently went public", so of course they have to follow blackrock BS).
Its quite funny how business was the driver for capex expenditure justifications, analysis on returns on spend, all of those controls and strategies that filter for the most efficient and optimal outcomes.
Where is the financial justification piece for diversity, inclusion or equity? Never has existed. Only this 'training' dogma-vomit in lieu of anything substantive. How are the businesses failing from diversity factoring into the scheme? Crickets, tumbleweeds.
Good luck. I'd ask what 'or else' means, but maybe you have played this out as far as it can go and now need to plan what comes next. Emphasize how projects are being delayed, clients are being untended to, money is being wasted by the training.. and dont relent any more than they relented in pushing this nonsense.