Electric buses or any large machine make no sense.
How heavy would an EV bus be? Probably really heavy. Tearing up the road they haven’t considered bridges etc
The school district in NE Ohio is asking us to vote yes for a tax increase for 3 new schools. The Ohio lottery was supposed to have generated money for the schools, and also the casino. Where did the money go that the school districts keep asking for tax increases. Now that we see CRT, deviant sex teaching in schools and libraries, prolonged mask obedience with zero good reason, I am saying no to all school and library levies. They can use the lottery and casino money’s for that. Fiscal responsibility. Many people are out of jobs, gas prices are out of control, the school boards and schools are corrupt, teachers’ unions are corrupt, schools ban students from classrooms and demand masking, bands practicing outdoors, etc. I say hell no to tax increases. Add to that we have a RINO Governor in this state who went along wth the lockdowns and masking.
The Green Agenda is a money laundering scheme. See who has stock or part ownership of the manufacturing company or its major suppliers.
Next they'll be hiring drag-queen bus drivers.
just wait for one of those things to catch fire loaded with kids. we all know it will happen.
Watch out when one of those catches fire. Liable to burn whole schools down.
Electric buses or any large machine make no sense. How heavy would an EV bus be? Probably really heavy. Tearing up the road they haven’t considered bridges etc
The school district in NE Ohio is asking us to vote yes for a tax increase for 3 new schools. The Ohio lottery was supposed to have generated money for the schools, and also the casino. Where did the money go that the school districts keep asking for tax increases. Now that we see CRT, deviant sex teaching in schools and libraries, prolonged mask obedience with zero good reason, I am saying no to all school and library levies. They can use the lottery and casino money’s for that. Fiscal responsibility. Many people are out of jobs, gas prices are out of control, the school boards and schools are corrupt, teachers’ unions are corrupt, schools ban students from classrooms and demand masking, bands practicing outdoors, etc. I say hell no to tax increases. Add to that we have a RINO Governor in this state who went along wth the lockdowns and masking.