The problem with this argument is that it says God allows paedophilia, etc and i for one don't buy that! On the contrary I believe God weeps for every such atrocity.
He endowed us all with free will and we will be held accountable for it's use. Without free will we would be nothing but robots, we know the difference between Good and Evil. Without free-will we could not respond to Him, nor choose to choose not to follow His commandments.
First of all, what you wrote isn't a problem with the argument. Sadly, it's the truth. Secondly, there is nothing our all powerful and all knowing God doesn't control and know of. Including extreme pain and suffering done to children. It's God's plan, and he works in mysterious ways. Life is pain. Christ suffered beyond imagination for us. And his whole life he knew he would have to suffer. The purpose here is to suffer like Christ unlike the angels who were born into the kingdom. We, God's children will appreciate the kingdom knowing such horrors here.
I agree there is nothing God does not know. He gave us free will - when Adam and Eve were about to eat the fruit He didn't come running through the garden shouting 'Don't do it!' He has already so commanded. They chose to ignore.
He also warned against all of the poor choices we make but that doesn't mean He permits them. Torah is better translated teaching than the Greek/Roman word for Law ie boundaries.
God knew even before creation - 'Lamb slain from the foundation of the world' Revelation 12:8 - how we would be but continued with it because He seeks requited love, not commanded love which is not love at all.
Through Jesus He took responsibility for His creation Isaiah 53 & 1 John 2:2 taking all the sins and iniquities of the whole world.
The danger with the concept of God being permissive of sin, is that He looses Holiness, since He permits the sin.
I concur His ways and thoughts are higher then ours, and this can make it difficult to comprehend Him - if we fully could of course He would not be God. However if we allow the human concept of permissiveness of sin by God to enter human consciousness then there is nothing man will not feel permitted to do.
God is all knowing and knew Adam and eve would fail. Because it was part of his plan. There is nothing God doesn't know. He knows every action you will take. There is nothing you can hide from God. It's all part of his plan.
Satan does nothing that is not allowed by God.
God is all knowing and all powerful.
The problem with this argument is that it says God allows paedophilia, etc and i for one don't buy that! On the contrary I believe God weeps for every such atrocity.
He endowed us all with free will and we will be held accountable for it's use. Without free will we would be nothing but robots, we know the difference between Good and Evil. Without free-will we could not respond to Him, nor choose to choose not to follow His commandments.
First of all, what you wrote isn't a problem with the argument. Sadly, it's the truth. Secondly, there is nothing our all powerful and all knowing God doesn't control and know of. Including extreme pain and suffering done to children. It's God's plan, and he works in mysterious ways. Life is pain. Christ suffered beyond imagination for us. And his whole life he knew he would have to suffer. The purpose here is to suffer like Christ unlike the angels who were born into the kingdom. We, God's children will appreciate the kingdom knowing such horrors here.
I agree there is nothing God does not know. He gave us free will - when Adam and Eve were about to eat the fruit He didn't come running through the garden shouting 'Don't do it!' He has already so commanded. They chose to ignore.
He also warned against all of the poor choices we make but that doesn't mean He permits them. Torah is better translated teaching than the Greek/Roman word for Law ie boundaries.
God knew even before creation - 'Lamb slain from the foundation of the world' Revelation 12:8 - how we would be but continued with it because He seeks requited love, not commanded love which is not love at all.
Through Jesus He took responsibility for His creation Isaiah 53 & 1 John 2:2 taking all the sins and iniquities of the whole world.
The danger with the concept of God being permissive of sin, is that He looses Holiness, since He permits the sin.
I concur His ways and thoughts are higher then ours, and this can make it difficult to comprehend Him - if we fully could of course He would not be God. However if we allow the human concept of permissiveness of sin by God to enter human consciousness then there is nothing man will not feel permitted to do.
God is all knowing and knew Adam and eve would fail. Because it was part of his plan. There is nothing God doesn't know. He knows every action you will take. There is nothing you can hide from God. It's all part of his plan.