Have you read you read 1984? This is 2+2=5. The purpose of making people believe 2+2=5 was to break their minds. If they can truly believe that, then they no longer have the ability to reason and use logic for themselves. It breaks the mind. Which basically turns them into automatons, willing to obey any order and never question it. Same shit with the pregnant men 1001 genders they're pushing hard.
Have you read you read 1984? This is 2+2=5. The purpose of making people believe 2+2=5 was to break their minds. If they can truly believe that, then they no longer have the ability to reason and use logic for themselves. It breaks the mind. Which basically turns them into automatons, willing to obey any order and never question it. Same shit with the pregnant men 1001 genders they're pushing hard.