Yup. That is how the CDC and Big Pharma got people to take the death shot, by believing that having a cold was the worst possible thing in life. The 5 Democommie Governors assisted in this farse by infecting people in nursing homes who then were put on ventilators which killed the patients, making it appear as if this cold was the worst ever and that if YOU don't take the death shot, then you might infect your grammy and kill her.
Yup. That is how the CDC and Big Pharma got people to take the death shot, by believing that having a cold was the worst possible thing in life. The 5 Democommie Governors assisted in this farse by infecting people in nursing homes who then were put on ventilators which killed the patients, making it appear as if this cold was the worst ever and that if YOU don't take the death shot, then you might infect your grammy and kill her.
People are very easily manipulated.