When you think about it, it makes perfect sense — of course hurting children is the quickest way to hurt God.
When pizzagate broke in 2016, I thought the group of bloodsucking luciferian sadists was marginal. Maybe some were compromised through brownstoning? (If that is the correct term.). As years progressed, because boards like these and anons like you, I now think it’s much larger. It’s not a question of who’s in it, it’s a question of who’s not.
I also have tremendous trouble believing journalists (talking heads) were in the dark about these atrocities. They are either in it — or were too scared to investigate. Still, I think many are complicit in their silence.
When you think about it, it makes perfect sense — of course hurting children is the quickest way to hurt God.
When pizzagate broke in 2016, I thought the group of bloodsucking luciferian sadists was marginal. Maybe some were compromised through brownstoning? (If that is the correct term.). As years progressed, because boards like these and anons like you, I now think it’s much larger. It’s not a question of who’s in it, it’s a question of who’s not.
I also have tremendous trouble believing journalists (talking heads) were in the dark about these atrocities. They are either in it — or were too scared to investigate. Still, I think many are complicit in their silence.
Thank God for Lara Logan!