Just talked to a lady down the street. She has had lung cancer for 7 years. I guess she had it treated once using standard treatments but then it came back. The past 4 years she has been treating herself with hedge apples (freezing and shaving them). She said after the first two months the tumor had decreased in size by 70%....and it just keeps decreasing in size......has anyone else heard about osage orange fruit as a cancer treatment?
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Wow first I have heard of that. We called them horse apples but they are bad for horses. The limbs of that tree make beautiful bows for shooting arrows. They are strong but just the right flexibility.
The tree has huge thorns and when you cut the Fresh wood the sap is red. I’ve never heard of this but know where a tree or two is.
Found this...never heard of this tree/fruit...
Next time you see her, ask her how she heard of it. Not that anons can't research, but it'd be a good way to start!
Good news, fren. Thanks.
She said that after they told her it had come back....she broke down and asked God for help....about that time her daughter called her up and told her to look into the osage orange fruit (I always called them monkey brains). She says she collects a whole bunch in October from the same tree and freezes them.....I guess the story kind of caught me off guard. It was my first time actually meeting someone surviving cancer using holistic medicine. Definitely blew my mind. It really is amazing the people you meet just by opening your mouth and starting a conversation.
Can't argue against a sign from God.
Good news. I have a baby tree about 4 feet tall and I'm waiting for it to grow up.
I heard about it years ago, can't verify if it's true but I heard enough about it that it would be worth a try...if they grew in my zone. Not something you can get at the grocery store
I found some stuff.....not sure if it is relevant or trustworthy:
Fun fact: osage oranges are also called "monkey balls." People will put them in their basements or anywhere they have spiders, as they're supposed to repel them.
any connection with the benefits available from Apple cider vinegar?