...The average person has a certain amount of mental and emotional stamina, and this movie is exceeding it.
Anons have more stamina... but still... we are maxxing out.
When you're "in the know", you can keep going and going. We are not in the know... we have crumbs, and The Plan. The point is: Patriots will always be Patriots, but they may lose stamina and disengage with the information war, so either drop some real easy proofs that even our idiotic family and friends can't dismiss, or bring this movie to an end.
I know I'm not the only one wondering about the timing.
My biggest concern is, once we win the midterms, IS CHINA GOING TO SEND THEIR TROOPS OVER TO ATTACK US? I just feel that China's XI is so set on taking our country along with its assets and killing us off or making us slaves, that he would take that day to make his move. I feel that he thinks he is 'entitled' to our country and that we are his 'trophy.' I pray that it doesn;t happen, but at this point, nothing would surprise me.
I don't believe we are going to FAIL and I believe that once Trump returns to office, China knows the HURT that is going to be placed upon their country. I believe it will be 'fight or flight' for them. I believe XI wants to be the world superpower and he will do anything to get to HAVE that.
You think we’re gonna win the midterms? 🤣
I'm keeping the faith that we can PROVE we won the Midterms just like President Trump won in 2020. I already KNOW we are going to win it, it's proving it that is the problem.