Hope the people who thought bighorn sheep on Elon's costume were pictures of Baphomet are paying attention to the differences: horns, facial features, star, thingy on head, wings, human body.
The hat on the left IS official from the Trump 2020 website that were sold during the summer of 2020 but removed sometime around September. I have one along with Space Force bumper stickers that have the same exact design. The hat on the right is obviously a new version.
Logos change over time. The only difference between the sicker and the hat, where the star is on the hat - on the bottom of the bumper stickers where the red "exhaust" trail meets up it says "Trump Keep America Great!" on top of the trail. Also, the sticker letters are all white not the chrome look that is on the hat.
It's disappointing so few caught this when it was posted last. Thanks for clearing it up, purkiss.
I don't know why this is even a post. This has been stated as non official space force logo like 3 times now.
Hope the people who thought bighorn sheep on Elon's costume were pictures of Baphomet are paying attention to the differences: horns, facial features, star, thingy on head, wings, human body.
Devils champion armor with inverted crosses.... yeah...
God put crosses on their faces. Look at this and a few more. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=pTUNLB08&id=823FD1F75EB8FD700EB8CCE0541AFE92BA4DFE45&thid=OIP.pTUNLB08dVO2GlFxEpNIpgHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi0.wp.com%2fgeoks.ca%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2012%2f08%2fp8101381-1.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.a5350d2c1d3c7553b61a5171129348a6%3frik%3dRf5NupL%252bGlTgzA%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=3024&expw=4032&q=bighorn+sheep&simid=608036759683029236&FORM=IRPRST&ck=67E302868DFA804FDD8C58D95D51F961&selectedIndex=8&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
Plus, one thing you won't see on Baphomet is a cross, inverted or otherwise.
The one on the left is exactly like the one I bought from the Trump store online.
Yes I got mine years ago from Trump store and it looks like that.
I just checked the Trump store online and there are no space force hats for sale. Is there only one Trump store online?
There is just the one. It was years ago though. They may not carry it anymore.
I just checked the Trump store online and there are no space force hats for sale. Is there only one Trump store online?
A great Christmas gift for the recently Awakened.
The hat on the left IS official from the Trump 2020 website that were sold during the summer of 2020 but removed sometime around September. I have one along with Space Force bumper stickers that have the same exact design. The hat on the right is obviously a new version.
Logos change over time. The only difference between the sicker and the hat, where the star is on the hat - on the bottom of the bumper stickers where the red "exhaust" trail meets up it says "Trump Keep America Great!" on top of the trail. Also, the sticker letters are all white not the chrome look that is on the hat.
“We have it all.”
Hey! So glad to see they are bringing PONTIAC back! 😁