Lara Logan made a statement something like "you can know the establishment's fears and weaknesses based on which topics they attack you." She said something like we can use their "attacks as a roadmap towards the truth." So, let's look at what you can or cannot say.
Without fear of push back, you can (could) say:
Moon landings are fake
The World is flat
Trump Colluded with Russia
The 2016 election was stolen
There government are hiding aliens in area 51
What you cannot (could not) say without attacks or censorship:
Q is legitimately a voice of military insiders and Trump and is telling us the truth.
PizzaGate, is real, the establishment are child trafficking pedophiles.
Jews control the media and much more.
Some of the history behind the holocaust is false
Mask do not help spread disease
There are effective alternative treatments for Covid (HCQ, Ivermectin)
The Covid vaccine is causing deaths
The 2020 election was stolen
Umm... both those topics come with misinformation warnings and links to Wikipedia to "combat misinformation" on youtube.
I agree those topics get used to smear or poison the well.
"It is known" that the earth rotates once every 24 hours on its axis at 66.6 degrees north from the equator, rotating around the sun every 365 days, the sun flying through space at 66600 miles per hour flying on an arc of 66.6 degrees above the galactic plane as it rotates around the milky way (the angles are expressed as 23.4° in official sources).
It's not like NASA logo has a snake tongue in the middle.
They might have warnings now but they don't get deleted like if you say that 2020 was stolen, that the jab kills people, that WTC Building 7 was imploded, etc.
Fair enough, and I suspect that's at least partially correct.
The implications are primarily philosophical, and people are predisposed to reject any discussion because that's what they've been taught their whole lives. In that way, not completely deleting it but keeping it to a background noise keeps proponents from complaining and only requires that when people search it out that only select videos show up and that would be sufficient to control any desired narrative.