Death Penalty for Hate Speech? Some College
Students Think So
Red State, by Cameron Arcand
Original Article
Posted By: Imright, 11/3/2022 6:12:04 PM
A new poll from McLaughlin & Associates offers a grim picture of the minds of college students. The survey was done in September and was conducted in partnership with Yale University’s William F. Buckley program to get a pulse on what undergraduate students believe on a variety of issues, and The Washington Examiner reported the head-tilting results. Perhaps the most concerning was how 48 percent of those polled agreed that “some speech can be so offensive in certain cases that it merits such harsh punishment like the death penalty.” The first part of the statement was that “violence in response to offensive speech is not a new phenomenon,” which is true
They get extra credits as long as use correct grammer & spelinng.