Because I haven't watched nutwork news since the Obummer years, I've never seen Grouchy Greta in action -- but I love the way an angry kid can be chosen by mind-molders as hood ornament for a political movement and the plebs just lap it up!
SO the MTF converted Greta, a true globalist spawn, still has the audacity to lecture us ! Hope you have that sail boat ready to go Greta. Oops thats right you cant sail, you need morons like us to do it. Good luck with that.
Because I haven't watched nutwork news since the Obummer years, I've never seen Grouchy Greta in action -- but I love the way an angry kid can be chosen by mind-molders as hood ornament for a political movement and the plebs just lap it up!
Hood ornament? she's more like a human shield, because nobody dares to criticize a retarded little girl. 🦆🦆🦆
Who's your daddy Greta. We know and you even have his dimples and the same stupid look on your face.
Only idiots will listen to that retard.
SO the MTF converted Greta, a true globalist spawn, still has the audacity to lecture us ! Hope you have that sail boat ready to go Greta. Oops thats right you cant sail, you need morons like us to do it. Good luck with that.
Alphabetically, GT comes after GS. Makes sense.