55 Greta Thunberg admits her goal is to overthrow the genocidal capitalist system...😂😂...Just STFU Greta...😎 (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠These voters are stupid! posted 2 years ago by purkiss80 2 years ago by purkiss80 +55 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Because I haven't watched nutwork news since the Obummer years, I've never seen Grouchy Greta in action -- but I love the way an angry kid can be chosen by mind-molders as hood ornament for a political movement and the plebs just lap it up!
Hood ornament? she's more like a human shield, because nobody dares to criticize a retarded little girl. 🦆🦆🦆
Who's your daddy Greta. We know and you even have his dimples and the same stupid look on your face.