As a sitting Congressman in a heated battle for the vacant U.S. Senate seat in Ohio, Ryan’s desperation is shining through in his latest ad. He’s losing to Trump-backed J.D. Vance, so to try to syphon off some centrist votes, Ryan put out a video showing him firing a semi-automatic pistol at a target seven yards away.
Until Fetterman came along Ryan was one of the dumbest looking men in office. Permanent deer in the headlights look.
...and that is a bad look to have this time of the year...
doggy winks...
I've seldom seen a supposedly grown man with a Chick Lean that bad.
Ryan has obviously never held a firearm once in his life let alone fired one before that video was taken.
Ohioans love their guns and Ryan is on record that he wants them confiscated. This guy is losing so badly and desperate to be seen as just one of the guys, and this makes him a clown.
We should just add it to a long list of things he can’t handle…debates, his job, his nerve, his eye twitch.
...thank you for maintaining that list...
...obviously more impressive than his accomplishments....
Looked like a .22
...thus the wicked recoil...
I can't wait until I can stop hearing about this fucking moron. I hope he retires somewhere out of town instead of back home
...don't worry...
...he will take his "leftover" campaign funds and move to some waterfront property that doesn't have Ohio winters....