First and foremost, this is not a doomer post. I am completely awake but not as well versed in all things Q or as knowledgeable as the many on here.
I know Tuesday is a big day for all and things have been ramping up, but I am curious what we are looking for? No, I’m not meaning a redwave as we all know there are still Rinos. What are the subtle signs to be on the lookout as I watch the news regarding the election?
What are your thoughts and tips?
P.S. sorry if this has been covered and drop a link for me to go peruse a thread. Thanks!
After All this time I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile how do you fix the 2 years and counting of great damage caused by this administration. A lot of us have lost everything or close to it and those of us at retirement age like myself won't be able to recover financially to retire for years and I have numerous health issues. How do we rid ourselves of the millions of gimmegrants that have come here for all the free stuff we have to pay for. There is still proof of voter fraud going on in this election so nothing has changed.
"gimmegrants" Can I use that, too?
What actions have taken to address these issues? Silver stacking? Anything?