I had a dream last night, and in it I was struck by the thought that to believe you have a contract with God you most likely believe yourself his equal in some way.
Why would you need a contract with God if he loves us?
edit: Perhaps I should clarify that I'm referring to a group of people who view God's love as some kind of business deal, a singling out from the rest of humanity for special treatment.
PS I also don't think it's the same God that I percieve.
It implies that both sides have something the other needs.
Why would God 'need' anything from us, other than our love? I don't look upon God as a business partner, with something to be gained by honouring our 'contract'.
I just love God as he loves me, and accept everything as a lesson opportunity to improve my outlook on life. The more I do that, the closer I feel to God. The more grateful I am, the easier life seems.
For me, everything else is downstream of that.