I had a dream last night, and in it I was struck by the thought that to believe you have a contract with God you most likely believe yourself his equal in some way.
Why would you need a contract with God if he loves us?
edit: Perhaps I should clarify that I'm referring to a group of people who view God's love as some kind of business deal, a singling out from the rest of humanity for special treatment.
PS I also don't think it's the same God that I percieve.
Free will yes but, the thing is, Satan uses this to get people to use their free will to break our convent with God. Do as Though wilt, comes to mind. Just because you have the free will to murder, rape, lie, cheat and steal, does not mean you are doing anything to uphold your convent with God in doing so in fact, you are turning your back on God. We are all sinners even if we try not to be, you have the free will to sin or to try not to sin. eh.
My point was that our part in the covenant is to use our free will to believe in and follow God.