It's going to take a lot more than a pic and a trip code to convince me. ONLY hard substance can prove Q. There are a lot of hard questions that have appeared in the last 2 years that need hard, provable answers. Until that happens, NewQ is bullshit to me. Of course pics and trips are nice extras, but they cannot substitute for hard substance.
True. There is an extremely high bar set for Q confirmation. People are so desperate for some kind of hopium that it is the perfect timing for a fake Q psyop that takes root in a compete misunderstanding about the purpose of Q and the posts - to teach the people how to stand on their own and how to do their own research. We are the plan. This is not what many want to hear judging by the down votes. The sad part is that there are far too many willing to accept with open arms whatever is thrown out there linked to Q in their misguided attempts to find salvation. People are desperate for leadership and to put a face or personality to what should in reality emanate from each and every individual. We are the solution to our problems. It is not a top down answer. That is what Q tried to teach those that connected to the posts.
I knew the movement was headed for trouble when there were reliable Patriots getting sucked in to the whole Austin Steinbart hoax. Now there is a large number of shills, grifters, and trolls putting out shear garbage that discredits all of us. It seems that all reasonable discernment and research has been thrown out the window in exchange for sound bite false intel click bait to give a fix to desperate headline addicts all looking for something to give them hope that someone is doing something to pull this shit show out of the fire. Dangerous times for sure in this fifth generation information war. I am with you - new Q is BS until PROVEN otherwise.
It's going to take a lot more than a pic and a trip code to convince me. ONLY hard substance can prove Q. There are a lot of hard questions that have appeared in the last 2 years that need hard, provable answers. Until that happens, NewQ is bullshit to me. Of course pics and trips are nice extras, but they cannot substitute for hard substance.
True. There is an extremely high bar set for Q confirmation. People are so desperate for some kind of hopium that it is the perfect timing for a fake Q psyop that takes root in a compete misunderstanding about the purpose of Q and the posts - to teach the people how to stand on their own and how to do their own research. We are the plan. This is not what many want to hear judging by the down votes. The sad part is that there are far too many willing to accept with open arms whatever is thrown out there linked to Q in their misguided attempts to find salvation. People are desperate for leadership and to put a face or personality to what should in reality emanate from each and every individual. We are the solution to our problems. It is not a top down answer. That is what Q tried to teach those that connected to the posts.
I knew the movement was headed for trouble when there were reliable Patriots getting sucked in to the whole Austin Steinbart hoax. Now there is a large number of shills, grifters, and trolls putting out shear garbage that discredits all of us. It seems that all reasonable discernment and research has been thrown out the window in exchange for sound bite false intel click bait to give a fix to desperate headline addicts all looking for something to give them hope that someone is doing something to pull this shit show out of the fire. Dangerous times for sure in this fifth generation information war. I am with you - new Q is BS until PROVEN otherwise.
Well said. Thank you.
Nailed it.