Metaphor time: I'm happy if our boats are sailing in formation for a while, but boats drift away and new ones come in all the time.
Though the Q team is ahead of the whole flotilla doing I-don't-know-what (and God above them), Trump is the obvious public face of it all, and his big shiny boat is easy to spot in front and make sure we're pointed in the most useful direction.
Elon seems to be helping us right now, though he has shady connections in his past. Cool. I can deal with that.
DeSantis has been pretty consistently on our side, even if he signs questionable laws favoring "a certain foreign country" that violate our first amendment rights. Hmm. Okay.
I'm still happy to on-load the supplies these guys are passing over to us for the time that they're sailing nearby. If they leave, that's fine too.
The guy on the big shiny yacht seems to know his stuff, so that's where I'm focused.
Even your best friend can have a dumb take once in a while.
Unlike the left, we don't walk in lockstep.