Less than 48 hours to go, and we will know one way or another how the midterms will end up. (Or in some cases where it's already being projected, a delay in counting, so could last longer.)
There are three ways I see things happening, and all have some* merit to them, two are more likely than the third, but I do not know 'the plan' whether it is Q, or Gods, though I have faith.
Outcome One: Red Tsunami, blatant and obvious.
Outcome Two: Cheating. Delays and "accidents" or "technical difficulties" in order to steal the midterms.
Outcome Three*: No legit Red Tsunami, Dem's legit win and continue to hold majority seats in house and at best keep a 50/50 senate, at worst, we lose majority in senate too.
Outcome One is, in the immediate, the most preferable and am most hopeful for. We want to see our resolve come to fruition, and the saving of our republic, of our lives, those of our loved ones, and of course the children. My question here would be what happens immediate after? If the plan is that everyone is caught, if they know all who are responsible, for the election steal in 2020 (and even before), Big Pharma and the doctors and hospitals, Educators pushing transgender and racism in the schools, all of it,...... will our representatives or the military act to show us and remove them all? Biden Impeachment (and more?) 2020 rectified and Trumps return?
Outcome Two is ... on a realistic level, likely to be what happens. The Red Tsunami is coming,.. but the cabal can only keep trying to repeat their playbook. Now that we are wiser to is, and saw a few ways on how they subverted before, they have no choice but to try again, even with us watching, or else Outcome One is sure to happen if they don't and try to get away with it again. It would be at this point that I think (hope) that is when the Military can and will step in, maybe not immediately as the cheating is going on, but that they start to take action, now able to finish finding and pinning those responsible this time, and work backwards on the reveal of who was responsible last time as well. Perhaps for the longer term honeypot that this supposed sting operation is, perhaps this is the likely scenario that will and needs to happen. Let's face it, if Trump HAD won in 2020 (Yes, I know he did, but congress certified Brandon instead without looking into the cheating) could we honestly say that we would have been able to see how corrupt everything is? Supply Chain, Medicine, Education, Social Media, etc? I don't think so.
Outcome Three is least likely, but I am trying to be pragmatic and humble in my thought process. There is ALWAYS a chance that the Dems could 'legitimately' win, such as we become arrogant enough to think that we can't lose and don't show up to vote anyways.
I want it noted, I'm not dooming or black pilled. Very much optimistic that whatever the outcome on Tuesday, we will still be hear and we will continue to fight to expose and inform and seek justice. These are just my thoughts on possible scenarios as my brain, again from a pragmatic standpoint, wants to plan out options for what to do or what might happen next in each case. I know there's perhaps a few other alternative outcomes stemming from the ones I listed above.
--------------Side Note--------------- Nov 3 2022, I was awake perhaps until about 1-2am in the morning before going to bed, watching the numbers coming in state by state, listening to the Newscasts calling out the wins or projections. While the night started off on high and giddy spirits, even before the 'pipe bursts' and 'down machines' was announced for the delay in counting, dread started to set in, like intuitively I knew something was wrong and that Trump wasn't going to be declared the winner. It wasn't until the following morning and over the next few days that my initial feelings were proven right.
The following weeks before the end of the year, I had two dreams. I sometimes have semi prophetic dreams, thought I don't usually know what they mean until after real life events happen that reflect what my dream was about.
First Dream was about Trump, standing on a podium, facing a large crowd of people. At the front of this crowd, only two faces really stood out as prominent: Schummer's and Pelosi's, as the people behind them kinda became less distinct and faded the further back in the crowd they went. Trump faced the crowd, strong and steady, as the crowd yelled and shouted at him, akin to how they were gonna 'get' or 'destroy' him, that he was finished, and Trump was just looking at him, blank faced, unflinching, as if they couldn't touch him.
Second Dream was way before the audit stuff started in Arizona, and the individual hearings there and Pennsylvania, where Giuliani and other Election experts testified to their findings. The dream itself was in a large auditorium, with a large desk at the front of a panel or stage where there was another group of people being presented to, and benches behind the desk for an audience. There were no directly recognizable individuals giving their testimonies that I can recalled. The dream started with me being 'stage right' standing outside of a door, looking in while the hearing was going on. I then eventually move behind the stage, to the 'stage left' side, where there's another door looking in, with rows of seats set up, with people sitting in these seats, looking in to watch, but not participant.
I can't remember who all where in these seats, if I had to logicially guess, more than 10 but less than 20 people where there. Among them, I do recall was Mitt Romney, who I approached in the dream to talk to and call by name. I tried to ask him why he wasn't defending looking into what happened with the election (remember, this dream happened before mention of these hearings was going on IRL). He tried to defend himself, but when I started asking harder questions, he just went silent and started to ignore me.
The dream then shifted to me going outside with another group of people, not all of them Republican, even some lefties, but civil enough. Outside with me and this group was Ted Cruz, and he was trying to talk to this group, all who were angry about what was going on, and Cruz was bringing up the constitution, and the Bill of Rights, how we are all united under it, but that we have to defend it.
I even jumped into the conversation, point out to the different individuals in this group, asking them what one thing they believe truly defines them, based off the Bill of Rights, and saying that even if we don't agree on everything, we are all protected by the same bill, that we represent it just as much as it represents us. For myself in the dream (I assigned like 3A, 5A, and 2A to some of the individuals already), I assigned myself in this example that I am 1A.
I have had a third dream since (and maybe 4th dream, but I discount dreams that weren't sharp enough to leave such a deep impression as to remember) about the events revolving around this without getting into specifics, but more specifically with the cabal, the changing of the 'guard', trucks, human trafficking, and in that dream I was attacked by what I can only describe as a floating/flying shadow demon as it attempted to whisk me away from where I was in the dream, and even though it got a hold of me, I was fighting back. I remember I wasn't afraid in the dream, I was angry, and just hitting it over and over again until the dream ended. (So sorry about run on sentence, just typing as I go here to get my point across.)
Anyways, long story short, First Dream came to pass, and I believe either the second dream has either come to pass already, or is in the process of passing, ... I am not sure about the third, whether it was something that had/is/will come to pass or was more a general observation on the state of things.
Again, anyways, just my thoughts.
Thanks Fren. :)