President Trump has said vote Red even if that means voting for RINO's. He said we will deal with RINOs later. This election is more that the House and Senate. This 2022 election is for all the state legislatures across the country. If the Republicans win tomorrow we will look into all the nonsense in the 2020 election.
The fraud will be exposed. They will also see that they not be able to secure the 2024 election.
In my opinion (my opinion is worth so much that if you add about $5 to it and you can buy a cup of coffee just about anywhere)
Like I said, In my opinion tomorrow we are electing the very people that will be electing the president in 2024.
There is a very good chance that the 2024 election will not happen. At least not the way it has been done in the past. They will not use a popular vote which has been proven to not be secure.
We will go back to the constitution. The state legislatures will vote their states electoral college votes without using a popular vote. A popular vote is not required by the constitution. We vote for many of those state legislatures tomorrow.
The bottom line. The military is in control but they are in the background. This is how they will secure the elections going forward.
Dating youself...Were ice cream sodas 50 cents?
pack of twinkies were 13 cents, I do remember that.
Mmm. They were a treat although there was a folded-over cake with custard filling that I liked better.