I never once wore a suit to work in the law office, although the male lawyers did. At the beginning, I wore short sleeve sport shirts, usually plaid. Then management said, even though clients would never see me, I would have to wear a tie. So I bought a stack of white short sleeve shirts and a crap load of ties, many of them either ugly or funny or holiday. I could go for months without repeating a tie. One had the Coke polar bears. Another one was a super wide one I had leftover from the early 70s. It covered half the front of my shirt, almost a clown tie. I was following the rules.
I never once wore a suit to work in the law office, although the male lawyers did. At the beginning, I wore short sleeve sport shirts, usually plaid. Then management said, even though clients would never see me, I would have to wear a tie. So I bought a stack of white short sleeve shirts and a crap load of ties, many of them either ugly or funny or holiday. I could go for months without repeating a tie. One had the Coke polar bears. Another one was a super wide one I had leftover from the early 70s. It covered half the front of my shirt, almost a clown tie. I was following the rules.