Let me start by saying. I tend not to make posts, as I don't feel as smart as you all when it comes to politics and or the Q. BUT... I will say.. I've voted Republican my entire life, even when I lived in So. Cal. (Commie-fornia). I actually was born w/ a brain and could see/read between the lines, knowing the demonrats are all about the lie, and putting nothing on the table other than their played out BS..
Anyway.. I take my dad to the VA once a month, and we usually sit and talk politics and all the crap that's going on, etc.. I turned on the TV for him, as he likes to surf the news, 'To see what the Idiots are up to'.. His words, and maybe mine as well.. NewsMax here In AZ was 100% Democrat Commercials, you should see the Anti-Kerry Lake bashing, then the next commercial is Mark Kelly, how he's the best thing since sliced bread.. Then the next commercial is Anti-Kery Lake, then the next commercial is pro katy hobs, the next Obummer telling us katy hobs is AZ answer..WTF...
I thought this was just a cycle they play, then the next hour will reverse, pro Kerry Lake, anti Demons.. Nope, all DemonRats 100%.. I hung out for a few hours B.S'n with pops, and keeping an ear tuned to the TV, it never changed.. Every commercial was Anti - Republican..
Luck for me my parents grew up in the age w/ out computers and are of the age they don't know a lot of technology.. So that being said.. I child Blocked them from Newsmax.. blocked & put a code on that channel.. Bye bye Newsmax
I sure hope my fellow Arizonians don't fall for all this cr@p.. It was almost like brainwashing, all the adds they are pushing out here in AZ..
I hate to even think this but.. I'm getting a very bad vibe out here, I feel AZ is going to be robbed from us.. There is A LOT of bad vibes flowing through this state.. I get more dirty looks in my MAGA hate than I would If I was wearing a Cowboys jersey during football season..
P.S. Not a cowboys fan, no offense, but old school Raider Nation and Republican Baby !!...
Pray for Arizona. We need it..
i mean, their business model is basically,
"you sit there, and listen, and watch, and we tell you what to think"
people who are actually interested in whats going on, will search for very specific key words