Reports of election integrity issues via True the Vote's collaboration site.
Journalist, voters, and officials are encouraged to either participate in the site or call in issues to 855-585-2022.
This is an hourly report on the data they have received.
Is AZ fucked?
NO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE! Lawyers and patriots are standing by.
I had to call because I do not know if it is legal that they print the ballots way before you get there and give you a ballot that it was not print by me.
It seems US IPS can access red checkmarked TS accounts, so some of us can see the content directly (without being a TS member or being logged-in to a TS account).
EDIT: Still waiting on the 3pm update. Assuming it'll be a4pm update at this point.
EDIT2: I'm going to unsticky. If they post an update, I'll create a new one and get it stickied.
I’ll create and sticky a new post each hour as they are available.
Where can I find the report directly?
What is this showing?
Reports of election integrity issues via True the Vote's collaboration site. Journalist, voters, and officials are encouraged to either participate in the site or call in issues to 855-585-2022. This is an hourly report on the data they have received.
Is AZ fucked?
NO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE! Lawyers and patriots are standing by.
I had to call because I do not know if it is legal that they print the ballots way before you get there and give you a ballot that it was not print by me.
Just an fyi -
Your link works for me.
It seems US IPS can access red checkmarked TS accounts, so some of us can see the content directly (without being a TS member or being logged-in to a TS account).
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Nice. That's good to know. I always shied away from sharing TS links, because they used to not work without an account. Will be handy in the future!