posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +38 / -1

It's no secret that if they steal it again, that I'm done playing nice. We ALL should be ready to do what needs to be done in the event the worst case scenario plays out.

That said... I think the reason we are seeing the same talking points is because... we're watching a movie. Has the DNC really lost it to the point where where they're running a LITERAL RETARD in PA against another... well... retard and their talking points are sympathetic feel bad for the retard and let the retard run our government? Well considering Biden, yeah that might be the case.

But really consider the situation. What happened after election night 2016? People arrogantly protested the will of the people. They started their colour revolution right out of the gate. We know what they will try to do if tonight is indeed a MAGA landslide (and it will be).

BUT... what if enough of them buy the narrative. They assume everything is safe and secure for them. They think, "nah it doesn't matter. It's the Red mirage. We'll have the real results in a week." In a week, they go back to their lives. In two weeks they'll continue their lives not paying attention because they actually don't care that much. They've just been programmed to. I mean we all have. But normies aren't people of conviction. They're trendies. By the time three weeks goes by and some of them start to realize that the Red Mirage wasn't a Mirage most of them won't even care anymore...

So by all means, keep calling out the MSM on their bullshit, but don't engage any nromies promoting the idea. Don't argue with them. Let the babies think they've won. And if some of them start demanding audits, simply agree with them and continue on... This very easily could go down as the most anti-climactic almost civil war that ever was and you know what? I'm perfectly okay with that... Let the situation deescalate peacefully.