This has nothing to do with skin color. I wouldn't care if he was green with purple polka dot skin and blue hair as long as he won the election fairly!
Most Marylanders referred to our state anyway as the "Communist State of Maryland" even under Hogan's rule!
The funny thing is that I had recently attended a fund-raiser for a relative running for Senate as a Democrat. The Dems were actually praising Hogan at this event and bragged about how Hogan had snubbed the Republican running for Senate but had made an effort to be photographed with this Democrat candidate! That spoke volumes about which party Hogan truly had represented... Unfortunately, we discovered too late that Hogan was a rino!
Here's where I believe a lot of Marylanders may take issue. The middle part of Maryland is the most heavily populated section of the entire State with the majority of that area being sanctuary cities which includes Baltimore, Prince George's County, and Montgomery County; they are who end up dictating the whole state's winners and losers!
Hey you Maryland bigots!!!!! Moore would be THE FIRST BLACK gov so bend over and take it!!
This has nothing to do with skin color. I wouldn't care if he was green with purple polka dot skin and blue hair as long as he won the election fairly! Most Marylanders referred to our state anyway as the "Communist State of Maryland" even under Hogan's rule!
The funny thing is that I had recently attended a fund-raiser for a relative running for Senate as a Democrat. The Dems were actually praising Hogan at this event and bragged about how Hogan had snubbed the Republican running for Senate but had made an effort to be photographed with this Democrat candidate! That spoke volumes about which party Hogan truly had represented... Unfortunately, we discovered too late that Hogan was a rino!
Here's where I believe a lot of Marylanders may take issue. The middle part of Maryland is the most heavily populated section of the entire State with the majority of that area being sanctuary cities which includes Baltimore, Prince George's County, and Montgomery County; they are who end up dictating the whole state's winners and losers!