Whatever happens tonight, tomorrow, and going forward, remember: Violence is not condoned!
🔍 Votable
I can't speak for everyone, but I do know that I do not condone political violence or intimidation tactics, especially during election season. That's the m.o. of the left. Violent political action is the hallmark of the Commie.
Feel free to disagree with me, but this is my stance and I'm not afraid to put it out there!
Say it louder for the Democrats in the back…
Let's get those downvoters out here on stage to back up what they believe in. Come on now, don't be shy!
Agreed… Love the username.
Thanks for the input, Fren.
I agree with the sentiment! However, we're not there yet.
There's going to be violence of all sorts when the food, energy and housing crisis all comes crashing down at once.