I hear Ashland County Ohio is nice! Really it's great to love where you live...very happy for you. Were you born there or moved later in life? I loved growing up in NW Indiana...the Midwest is (or was) really great! I really think the people are the salt of the earth.
You like the name Ashland don't you? I once asked you if you were from Ashland OR because that is were my sister lived and I had visited her there. Really pretty place but satanically dark. I had to go play piano in a church to make it through the visits.
...unpack those boxes...
...doggy winks...
I hear Ashland County Ohio is nice! Really it's great to love where you live...very happy for you. Were you born there or moved later in life? I loved growing up in NW Indiana...the Midwest is (or was) really great! I really think the people are the salt of the earth.
...I was born overseas on a military base...
...but I spent the last 45 years here and in Ashland KY...
...I consider Ashland OH my home...
You like the name Ashland don't you? I once asked you if you were from Ashland OR because that is were my sister lived and I had visited her there. Really pretty place but satanically dark. I had to go play piano in a church to make it through the visits.
...dogs prefer the familiar...
...I avoid "satanically dark" locales....
...doggy winks...
Now we are just salty😏
Yeah things do change but salty is still better than flat out crazy any day of the week.