I may just be tired from working at the poll all day, but I kind of feel like there may not be the red wave we thought there would be. Yes, Florida went big red but elsewhere? Any thoughts?
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My thoughts exactly.... I'm just so fucking sick of this shit... When is it our turn?
So what if Trump runs again in 2024....They're just gonna steal it..... AGAIN....
There's a whole lotta' cheating going on.
I worked polls all day as well. In terms of turnout I saw a red wave. In terms of what it looks like after counting/cheating? Not looking good.
I’m trying to say optimistic but something seems fishy. Holding out on calling a lot of races.. on both sides really.. AZ PA fraud..and GA they can commit the fraud in a run off and maintain 50:50.
I too am wondering. WTH, how can this be
Do you really need to ask the question? If planes, helicopters or plain old cop cars filled with special forces and /or SWAT do NOT pick up people within 24 hrs of the 'cheat' as it is being watched real time, I will be devastated.
It’s not happening.
Prepare to be devastated for nothing. This is all a show. Seriously absurd how open it all is you might just think it was to wake people up.
My thoughts fren, they're cheating.
The tone of Warroom tonight is very underwhelming
I love pole workers.
I think they will steal my state…Kansas…doesn’t help so many want the Independent over Schmidt. I keep trying to explain why we can’t split the vote but they say I’m splitting it because “Pyle” is conservative. He isn’t the Republican, they are going to hand it to Kelly thanks to machines and vote splits. I’ve never wanted to be so wrong as I do right now. However no way Kelley gets votes over both, I think she’ll siphon off votes from both. My county uses cheating machines, we are the 2nd largest
It's not even over.
It looks like there is no red wave.
We didn't overpower the fraud.