Yeah, no Pennsylvanian in their right mind voted for this fool. Long live election fraud.
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I really appreciate your input. No, I don't really think morons voted for him. I really do believe it is election fraud. But you made some great points in your comment and I appreciate it
Ah. I see! Yeah I've gone thru a myriad of emotions, disbelief yet again but tbh I'm not really surprised when you listen to the pulse of those voters. It doesn't make sense to us in the know and as much as it pains me, you're not going to get many to see abortion is not health care it's murder. That will take God.
Oddly I'm at peace. It's like if Christians can show the world we still have joy no matter what the circumstances that's what really matters anyway bringing souls to the kingdom.
I mean Paul sang in the jail cell! It doesn't matter what they do. I really really get that now.
Yes I believed with RvW being overturned God would put his people in place like Mastriano and it didn't happen so I still have to trust God bc without him I am nothing. I would not exist. I think even tho there very well was a steal in Pa its been happening for every election so it just slips by unnoticed. I think if there was to be a big reveal of a cheat it would have shown either of the Rs here up but that never happened. So I guess we wait and see.
Great attitude, and yes, God is ultimately in control. Sometimes, during times such as elections, it's hard to remember we are in the world, NOT OF the world. Thanks for the gentle reminder. 😁
In Pa Mastriano still has not conceded and I read the results are not certified til later this month. He has said he is waiting for all the votes to be tallied. I found that curious. Perhaps another don't trust what the media is reporting (who won) could be interesting, could be nothing but he hasn't conceded ....I'm noting this is other posts too.
I'm listening to Tucker right now and he is saying the lame stream is reporting it might be January before votes are tabulated. WTF???