So, as many of you have been observing for mamy years, the US elections are rigged, have been rigged, and will likely remain rigged.
Rigged for Democrats
Rigged for Republicans
The establishment controls both parties, and they don’t really care if a Democrat wins, or a Republican wins, just so long as an establishment stooge wins.
They have the political world on a pendulum, swinging back and forth between right and left, to give the voters the illusion of a fully functional democracy, which is responsive to the mood of the voters.
Sometime you win
Sometimes you lose
So, in the 2022 midterm elections, every indicator was pointing to a big swing to the right.
Like, how does a President thats unpoplar, and presiding over record-high inflation, and presiding over a bungled Ukraine debacle, not get beat-up in the midterm, like is historically the case?
I suspect that the establishement was OK with allowing a red wave, UNTIL Trump-endorsed candidates starting winning primaries.
They were OK with RINO’s winning in the general election, but NOT OK “Election Deniers” winning the general election.
So, they had to show their hand in 2022.
They showed their hand, that they felt the need to keep election deniers out of office.
NPR in particular, ranted and raved about election deniers for the last two years, huffing and puffing far beyond what was justified.
I mean, who really cares if some random person thinks the 2020 election was stolen?
Who realky cares if an “election denier” is elected?
So what? Who cares? Its not like they are going to actually DO anything about it…
So, in my own state election, the person running for state senate ran unopposed as a Democrat,
and the person running for state assembly also ran unopposed as a Democrat.
I was so caught up watching every other race, i didn’t even know they were running un-opposed until i was in the voting booth.
Shame on me.
So, heres a few things we can do…
never let a Democrat run un-opposed. This should be a no-brainer.
we need to infiltrate the Democrat party, from the bottom up, and destroy them from within.
Run “moderate” MAGA-type candidates in Democrat primaries, and hopefully primary the actual Democrats out of the race. That way, when it comes time for the general election, they will be getting a choice between a MAGA Republican, and a MAGA Democrat…
The political establishment plays both sides of the table, and its time for us to do the same thing.
In 2008, Goldman Sachs was Obama’s biggest contributor
In 2008, Goldman Sachs was Romney’s biggest contributor
So no matter who won, Goldman Sachs won.
Im still technically a registered Democrat, and theres probably a lot of other people who are still technically Democrats, but who haven’t updated their voter registration.
If i was to run for office, i would appear to be a lifelong Democrat…
What do you guys think?
Time to start beating them at their own game?
And who knows Florida may be rigged just to let us believe it wasn't.