posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +52 / -2

We want so badly to be validated, and to have our country restored. We want to say "I told you so" to family and friends. We want to see traitors hang--we want vengeance for the horrors that many of us experienced over the past few years. Our individual disappointments are because we think things should be transpiring differently. I know I'm that way, for sure. I saw yesterday's election as sort of a put up or shut up moment for The Plan, and that was shortsighted of me.

One could say that I'm simply rationalizing yesterday so that I don't feel so bad. Maybe. But, when I really think about it, the one thing I have learned and that is most important is that there are always 1000+ variables at play, and a hundred+ layers of complexity that I am not aware of, and that the script is probably not going to ever be what I think it will be as I consider things on the surface.

And so I am left with this simple question: What is MY role going forward?

As I answer that question, some things come to mind (and these apply to me, just as much as I think they apply to all Anons):

  1. We have been on this journey for a long time--many Anons for decades. It is a journey, though, and the milestones are not going to be "I've arrived and it's all done" types of milestones.

  2. Do we want huge rub-it-in-their-faces victorious moments, such that traitors are dispatched to Gitmo and proper sentencing? YES. But what we want is not how this has to play out. The cabal wants us divided, and that's what this Board feels like right now--just stop. I say to myself and all of us: Put your big boy or girl pants on, and give this some time.

  3. What about Trump's announcement the 15th? Or is it the 14th? Whenever it is, don't you think he and the Q Team are well aware of exactly what was going to transpire in the election? When did the word "script" get thrown out the window? The level of frustration and disbelief among Normies is rising (no sauce, just anecdotal and common sense--and look at Flynn's latest post with the percentages of dissatisfied and angry Americans).

  4. We have the House, and possibly the Senate. Even with just the House, investigations can begin, and the left's agenda can be stopped.

  5. Calm down. Find your center. Say a prayer. Smile. Breathe deeply. This journey, this war, is still going on--and the more time spent bemoaning "muh red tsunami" is simply time spent away from engaging in the truth.

  6. Lastly, find the courage to turn your anger and frustration into sustenance for the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual long-game.

God Speed, Anons.