Taking on the Deep State will take decades, maybe even generations. We have to play the long game. I recently decided to reverse my vasectomy because there is only one way to win and that is through sheer numbers. It doesn't matter how many battles we lose as long as we win the war.
Taking on the Deep State will take decades, maybe even generations. We have to play the long game. I recently decided to reverse my vasectomy because there is only one way to win and that is through sheer numbers. It doesn't matter how many battles we lose as long as we win the war.
Decades my ass.
Q gave us the timeline.
It ends in 2023.
The Q Clock goes far into the future with help from Project Looking Glass.
I'm curious where you see Q saying it will end in 2023.
I can't find it now, but the one describing past [2] years, (2016/2017) next [6] which was posted in early 2018. 18,19,20,21,22,23.
They've been telling us all along, 23 = PAIN.
Then why is everyone freaking out? It sounds like this is part of the plan, 2023 will fix it all.