If you want to understand why so many of us are 'cool' with last night's election fraud, then READ THE Q POSTS
If you still don't get it, READ THEM AGAIN
We are witnessing the piecemeal destruction of an evil cabal which has committed atrocities on a scale that is difficult to comprehend. It has existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. During that time it has murdered more people - including babies - than all the abortions Commiefornia could carry out in a lifetime.
The war against this cabal is being carried out in a way that minimizes innocent casualties. There is no way to prevent casualties altogether. There is no magic button to make the population see the truth. Sometimes you must show them.
The world is being shown the evil nature of this cabal, and the extent to which it has corrupted every institution on the planet. If it is to be destroyed forever, then it has to be this way.
Yep. DeSantis told the feds to stay out of FL and they did. Why? Because the authority comes from the local/state level. If you don't understand that read the Constitution and Federal Papers. Get on audiobook if you have to. It is hard to be a good digital soldier. The races won by GOP will be very key going forward. Be angry, keep that doom to yourself. We already know their ways, It's to to perfect our Way.