shifting the narrative....
When do we simply start arresting? Citizen's arrest?
The vaccines debunked the idea of delaying action due to the safety & well-being of the population, because those who had to get the shot for work are screwed plus all of the children of the Dems/Libs. Lots of normies didn't know yet not to trust the MSM, .gov, or even their own Dr. & hospital.
Past elections prove we can't vote out those in DC.
EO already in place to freeze assets, but no one to enforce it.
ICYMI - Here in the good ol' United States of America there is NO such thing as misinformation or disinformation only 1A protected Freedom of Speech.
shifting the narrative.... When do we simply start arresting? Citizen's arrest? The vaccines debunked the idea of delaying action due to the safety & well-being of the population, because those who had to get the shot for work are screwed plus all of the children of the Dems/Libs. Lots of normies didn't know yet not to trust the MSM, .gov, or even their own Dr. & hospital. Past elections prove we can't vote out those in DC. EO already in place to freeze assets, but no one to enforce it.
ICYMI - Here in the good ol' United States of America there is NO such thing as misinformation or disinformation only 1A protected Freedom of Speech.