I've been discussing Trump's run for President with a number of people for a while. I come from the belief that he will NOT run for President in 2024 BUT I believe something else very interesting may take place on November 15th.
First, let's provide context before I go into what I believe will happen. The more you continue to read, the more everything will fit in their proper place.
As of now, there is no possible way for the public to know if Trump is actually the President or not. Just for a brief minute, imagine that Trump is still currently serving as President of the United States while the military continues it's psychology operation on the American people (ie, Q). At this point, Biden is technically the FALL GUY and every corrupt person within his orbit will fall around him as well. Secondly, Trump has publicly stated that he considers himself to be a 'war time' President (which us anons know to be true). To sum this part up, if Trump is still technically the President, he cannot run for a 3rd term via the Constitution & the White Hats will not violate the constitution if their goal is to protect it - remember, Q has stated that this has to be done right and in accordance with the law. We also cannot forget that Trump has his private company TMTG, of which, he will have to divest from (publicly) if he chooses to run in 2024. If you think about it, Truth Social (ie TMTG) is probably more beneficial & valuable to the public than Trump running for another term, especially with what we know is coming down the line.
I believe the Trump has already accomplished what he needed to do as President and the US military is actually running the show since the 2020 election.
If you remember back during Trump's speech right after the 2020 elections when he was standing next to his family, outside in front of AirForce One, he said “we’ll be back in SOME FORM”. He never said “I’ll be back”. Keyword: "in some form." I think there is a reason why President Trump has been so allusive in regards to announcing a possible Presidential run.
Here's the 40,000 ft view:
At our current point in time, the congressional seats that “won” back in 2016, 2018 & 2020 midterms have either exhausted their term in full or still serving… the remaining seats up for election in Congress has been “voted” in during yesterday’s midterm election (2022). Therefore, every congressional member (senate + house), attorney general & judge who committed election fraud is now, at this very moment, has either completed their fraudulent term or is currently serving in an 'elected' position during a fraudulent election. My gut feeling is that the White Hats were waiting for the entire kit & caboodle so that they can prosecute everyone who retained an elected position illegally & unlawfully from 2016 to 2022. This includes senators and house members. Especially those politicians who kicked off the RussiaGate hoax back in 2016.
Imagine for a minute that the White Hats intervened and arrested those who were complicit in election fraud back in 2016? Imagine the 2020 election? Why arrest 50 people when you can ALLOW the election fraud to commence and wait until the very end in order to arrest EVERYONE. I believe that the White Hats planned to wait until each & every current position in Washington is either determined to be certified as 100% legitimate or certified as 100% illegal.
So what will Trump reveal on November 15th? DECLAS? It's up for debate but I imagine it will be very "spicy". Keep in mind that by the 15th, most, if not all counties should certify unless there is a runoff.
Finally, search for posts dated "Nov 11". You'll see what's coming :)
Correct… but his job is to enforce the bankruptcy of The Federal Reserve.