After going off crazy pissed for a few days I thought of the Q team goal of never having this Satan worshipping pedo cabal in charge of us again. What would be the best idea to wake up the most people? I mean REALLY wake them up. Not type awake. Not Fox News awake. Not Dan Bongino type awake. I’m talking BEHOLD A PALE HORSE type awake! I was surprised so many people fell for the Ukraine Good, Russia Bad send them 50 billions story.
- Stop the rig in 2020, have Trump win and then Trump fights the cabal for another 4 years?
- Win big in midterms Possibly stopping the Biden Admin (assuming republicans are really FOR the citizens.
- Allow enough of the steal to piss off people and have another two years of shit hitting the fan bringing us to the precipice?
Having uncle Festerman win in PA was a BIG wake-up to a fuck ton of people.