I remember driving down to Phoenix, and pulling up to the fairgrounds, to see if they were actually doing an audit back in the day. I even talk to the police officer there to ask what was going on. I had so much excitement and expectancy, but I’ve learned to tone down my my hope regarding anything happening regarding voter fraud. However; when Kari Lake is announce the winner, I do see her trying to make changes at least. If they will happen or not, I would be shocked. But at least she will try.
I live with Karen Fann and Ken Bennet --As Trump would say --"They choked" or were bought off--in their collapse after a great start (fake?)
Ken and I reside in Prescott Az-15 miles north is Karen's town Chino Valley
I have spoken to them both--great actors--great at talking MAGA -but ultimate disappointment---They found the cheating early on -had historical opportunity to disinfect Az elections and affect the whole country or world-could of snipped it in the bud--Fucking Anti American losers. Arizona is a solid RED state just crooked Dems controlling election.
I remember driving down to Phoenix, and pulling up to the fairgrounds, to see if they were actually doing an audit back in the day. I even talk to the police officer there to ask what was going on. I had so much excitement and expectancy, but I’ve learned to tone down my my hope regarding anything happening regarding voter fraud. However; when Kari Lake is announce the winner, I do see her trying to make changes at least. If they will happen or not, I would be shocked. But at least she will try.
I live with Karen Fann and Ken Bennet --As Trump would say --"They choked" or were bought off--in their collapse after a great start (fake?) Ken and I reside in Prescott Az-15 miles north is Karen's town Chino Valley
I have spoken to them both--great actors--great at talking MAGA -but ultimate disappointment---They found the cheating early on -had historical opportunity to disinfect Az elections and affect the whole country or world-could of snipped it in the bud--Fucking Anti American losers. Arizona is a solid RED state just crooked Dems controlling election.