Anons, how long did the entire Revolution take? How long did the Civil War take? How Long did WWI take? How long did WWII take? How long did the Korean War take…. Oh yes, that’s right, it’s still going!! How long did Vietnam take? How long did Desert Storm to the final withdraw from Iraq take? How long did Afghanistan take? How Long have the White Hats been at War with the Cabal? We Are At WAR ANONS! Wars take years, sometimes Decades! And you may not all understand, but kinetic fighting or The Arrests are about 20% or less of an actual war! What happens all the rest of the time?! What?!
MEDIA Set Up of both sides! Positive and negative propaganda, Logistics, prepping, planning, adjusting your war pieces, GATHERING INTEL, peace talks, negotiations, more logistics and war piece adjustments, recon, spying, infiltrating, sabotaging! Geez Anons, this is 80% or more of actual war.
WTF do you think We Are? What GAW truly is?! What Q really is?! French Underground! WWII Code Talkers, Hanoi Hannah, or in other worlds military and CIVILIAN Intel and Information Pipelines! That is US! Each one of you, each Anon, each Patriot is a logistic piece and information piece of the whole damn War. Period.
War can take a long time. Only the battles are quick. I know you’re all worn, some more than others due to their time in the field. We all get worn short or long time in. But you being here, says you still want to fight. You still want freedom from evil or oppression. So please take deep breaths. Battles come and go, and hopefully War ends.
Think this way Anons: Be thankful we aren’t North Korea. They’ve been at full war with South Korea and the US since 1950. You think you’re stressed on a smart phone or computer? They wake up everyday prepped for the next battle that hasn’t come since 1953 when we retreated across the 38th Parallel.
The end won’t be for everyone in this fight Anons. But our war here in the US is getting close to coming to an end. Then we have to turn and fight many many more battles in the larger, global war to save the Whole World. So keep the faith, keep those heads on swivels, and call on God for strength. He will grant it. Much love and respect Digital Soldiers.
You know, it's funny...I just posted something in the daily comment thread before I read this thread, so I went back and deleted that comment but will post the entire text of it here, but not before I say that the words you put forth here may have been the one thing [for now] that keeps me going. Although I am old, tired, angry and sad, I haven't completely lost hope. Sometimes you find yourself wandering to the dark side, and trust me, I have been there. Something keeps pulling me back from the edge, telling me to stick with it, to give it another shot. I've taken a lot of follow-up shots over the years. Your words may spark someone else to hang in there. I thought life was so dire and so evil after I had to present Old Glory to my friend's mother and tell her that the President [Reagan] and a grateful nation respected her sacrifice. Then came the next one, and one more after that. I was numb, cold, mechanical and emotionless by then. I can't forget and will never forget. So, here are the words from the deleted comment. You may have done your good deed for the day, Brent75, and who knows where it will lead from here:
For the first time in my life, I had some weird, dark thoughts. No, I'm not going insane. I was putting together a storage cabinet for my wife and was working out in the garage. Had the classical music channel on and was puttering away, trying not to think about this past week and how it looks like they are going to get away with stealing the election [although I hope they do not, for the sake of this country]. I stopped for a second and looked out the garage window - it was a cold and rainy day in east Tennessee. As I looked down the lane of our driveway to the main road, I thought of all of what I had accomplished in life, including marrying an amazing woman who helped me with my autism and recovery from years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse, in addition to PTSD derived from time in the military. I thought about how it was going to end, and that's where it gets dark. They're coming up the driveway and I am reloading...they're not going to take what we have away from us. If we go, we're going together, and taking our little dogs with us. I never would have thought such a thing when I was younger, but I am older now, and objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. All of this life, for what? We both gave to this country, always trying to help the other guy at our own expense, for what? Nothing. I feel betrayed and useless. Being a patriotic veteran doesn't really appear to mean shit. This isn't dooming, it's realism. I am tired. I seek no sympathy, no condolence. My heart is truly breaking, watching our beloved country go to hell. May God have mercy on our souls.
You won’t see it fall. It will appear as if it did, but it’s only to Awaken enough Sheeple to our side so they won’t resist and run back asleep, or to the DemoLibs.
It’s an honor to know you’ve stayed in the fight so long, and thank you sir. Also know, it’s okay to pass the torch too. We loyal Anons, each of us are here to pick it up, and so we shall when you’re ready to pass it. It’s okay to also live what life we have left, and let others do the heavy lifting. My wife doesn’t like me worrying about the world or politics PERIOD since I retired. She wants me to just focus on day to day, hang out and enjoy my kids, and not worry about things I have no political power to change. But I’m giving what I can to others. And that’s all you can do. You give what, or all you can, or all you choose too, and it’s okay to save just a tad for yourself because it’s your life.
So feel okay with that. Know we Anons are here. Always willing to take the torch when a veteran Anon is ready to pass it. Because Where We Go One We Go All, together in the end with God.
That was a really great comment.
Yes, it was. Thanks Brent, a lot. Your words bring comfort at a time when it is needed most. Keep on rockin.'