Trump has not only ran a shadow presidency but now HIS party is about to dismantle the rest of what's standing.
This is much bigger than they portray. Remember the Bush, Cheney, and McCain types were just a crooked and globalist.
Once hes back in. He will undo a century's worth of corruption.
My brain just realized why their panicking. The people have the power.
(Moe Benson)
This 👆 is why the MSM wants you to think Tuesday was NOT a red wave. It was. Don't fall into their trap. We took huge ground on Tuesday. [They] are panicking. Don't join them.
Sadly, many on our side are falling into it.
Are they on our side, or did they just project the illusion that they were?
I think they just go with the newest outrage. They don't give anything more than five minutes before reacting to it.
Yes, many on our side are panicking because they don't have this insight. They are getting their news from more mainstream sources. It's the insight and encouragement of other anons that helps many understand what's going on.