How to secure our elections. 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by StormzAComing ago by StormzAComing +11 / -1
  1. Voter I.D. mandatory to vote. One must have a voter I.D. for 30 days before they are able to vote.
  2. Set legal voting age from 18 to 70, with the possibility of voting permit extensions with the passage of a cognition test. One must be a naturalized citizen of the United States and have resided in that precinct for more than 30 days.
  3. Poll workers and watchers must pass a rigorous background and social media check to ensure none of them have any chance of deciding to tamper with results. 3.1. Poll workers should have to take a certification test confirming that they know exactly how to work each part of the process legally.
  4. Paper ballots only. Paper ballots are printed one at a time and distributed as people come in to vote. Early voting is only permissible if the voter will not be in their precinct on election day. If a person does early voting, they must arrange ahead of time with the Board of Elections to get their ballot printed live, on site, and filled out immediately.
  5. Congressional redistricting must be performed by an independent commission of demographical and surveying experts to ensure that all districts are as draw with as little advantage for any candidate as possible.
  6. All ballots must be counted by two poll workers to ensure that there are no discrepancies, tampering, or illegal activity. If either of them suspect any issues, they must ask their supervisor to review the ballot.
  7. All ballots for a precinct must be counted at the same time, in full view of cameras, and with poll watchers able to look over their shoulders if need be.
  8. All precincts must report their results to the county before the county reports all the results.
  9. Any media coverage may not call a race until the margin of victory is too great for the runner-up to surpass, even if all votes magically went to them.
  10. Political signs may not be set up anywhere within 1000 feet of a polling location, except for signs promoting school-, library-, or public works-related issues/propositions.
  11. All votes must be counted and reported to the Secretary of State within 5 hours.
  12. An audit must be performed within two weeks but no earlier than one week to confirm the results are 100% accurate.
  13. The Secretary of State must certify the election within 3 weeks.
  14. Any lawsuits related to the election must be filed within a month.
  15. All voting data is kept for 24 months, and discarded one day before the next general election day. For off-year election years, voting data is still kept for 24 months, but is discarded the day before the off-year election day.
  16. All voting data is registered onto the voter rolls, which are handled per precinct, per county, and per state. Voter rolls must be updated every 3 months, and at least 30 days before any election.
  17. All voting data is publicly accessible on the Board of Elections and Secretary of State website, for two years. Voting result databases must be kept on file on secure, US MIL servers in perpetuity in case anything comes up years down the road (i.e. someone in a nursing home at the end of their life talks about having counted a fraudulent ballot), as well as for demographers' sake.