BioClandestine: "Trump straight up admitted the beef is fake. . . This not only proves the DeSantis fight was fake, it adds further validity to prior 'beefs' that we thought to be theater. Like Sessions, Rosenstein, even Mueller, etc. . . Trump is engaged in high-level game theory."

Do you have the link to this. Normie friend is doubtful
Sauce: https://truthsocial.com/users/ErichDerbsch/statuses/109322970289682610
I'm still learning TS .. where or how can you see DJT re-truthed it?
You can find the retruth fairly recently in President Trump's stream of Truths. Just scroll down on his Truth page and you'll find it fairly easily.
I'm unable to find the ReTruth under Trump's account.
SCRATCH THAT I'm a digital dummy and found it
I figured it out. This is pretty in our face that it's staged IMHO