We call this 4D and 5D chess.
In reality, the most graceful way to interpret this is giving the bad guys more than they ask for and laughing as they juggle to handle all the loot.
The Cabal plays games with public appeal. Like catty, gossipy preppy girls in highschool and back-stabbing Karens at book club, they can't help themselves to rig up drama and schisms and push former friends into cat fights.
They have an insatiable desire to fuck around with other people's affairs and relationships, for no other reason than they get aroused at the ability to manipulate others. It makes them feel powerful...
But it also clouds their judgement.
It's really fucking obvious they tapped all their sleeper agents and sellswords to turn on Trump by backing DeSantis after the 2022 election. It didn't take them 24 hours after the 2022 dust settled before they started with the new narrative push.
You could hear the whispers and unsheathing of daggers even among a cheering crowd, they were so fucking thirsty to do it.
Which leaves Trump in a sketchy position, just as it would leave anyone in a sketchy position.
To move boldly, you must anticipate bold countermoves. Your plan must have contingencies. Their plans, too, have contingencies. To subvert and unravel any plan, one must find the contingency and backup plans which are least fortified and prepared and then exploit that weakness in the front line.
What eventuality would they have planned the least for?
Their goal is this: turn the DeSantis tribe against the Trump tribe.
How might you accomplish this goal?
- Seed online forums with hyper-charged pro DeSantis rhetoric for months in advance.
- Get Trump to back and support DeSantis by necessity.
- Grill DeSantis about future plans.
- Grow public sentiment that Trump is old and busted and DeSantis is the new hotness.
- Hand DeSantis a crushing victory in his endeavors.
Once all this groundwork is laid, then you ride these foundational points to attack Trump's base and turn them into DeSantis 2024 people, whether or not he decides to run. The goal is to tank Trump's primary chances, not to ensure a Manchurian candidate in DeSantis. DeSantis being on board is unnecessary, taking down Trump is the target.
Moving into the Torpedo.
All this has happened, and the ultimate aim at this juncture is for Trump to say "DeSantis isn't a bad guy, but he's not 2024 material." They need him to support DeSantis, but not endorse him for 2024. They can then use Trump's own support against him, in flouting DeSantis 24/7 with their mainstream bullshit.
That's not what they got. Instead, they got Trump doing what they never expected him to do...
Yesterday Trump opened up on DeSantis completely. He blasted the shit out of him, and then subsequently pushed his shit back into the open wounds.
It's a "too good to be true" situation for these catty bitches in the Media. So much so, they never anticipated for this to happen. They weren't prepared with pre-written articles like they always are. They were so sure that Trump wouldn't take the axe to DeSantis that they didn't prep the articles.
Trump, like I pointed out before, found and exploited where they were least prepared.
Now, they risk over-promoting DeSantis to spite Trump. Which looks sketchy as fuck. When Project Lincoln pedos are backing DeSantis, it really looks like a crock of bullshit is surrounding DeSantis uncouthly.
Again, I must note, DeSantis' allegiances don't come into play on this landscape. Either side has a benefit in him being a double-triple-quadruple sleeper agent whose actual masters aren't known until a killing blow arrives at his doorstep.
This is a "turn into the torpedo before it can arm itself" Red October play, for those who astutely have been following along.
You'd figure the MSM would have figured out Trump uses that move by now, but lo and behold they still managed to fuck it up.
Trump is here to Kick Ass, there's no time for Bubble Gum
This Trump vs. DeSantis schism was manufactured by the catty, gossip-hungry Karens in the DeepState Media. The last thing they expected was for Trump to play into it like he just walked into the room and slapped his big cock on the table, breaking the legs of the table in the process.
They were planning on dragging his response to the DeSantis promotion over a month or two, and forge a tribe of DeSantis to keep Trump on the ropes.
That's not what they got. They got Trump attacking one of his own, with no shits given. They wanted to turn Trump onto the defense, and keep him meek and timid, but instead they just poked the lion in the testicles with DeSantis' arm and he bit the shit out of him for daring touch the King's ballsack. They really were relying on him not snapping at his own camp.
Sorry for the lewd interpretation, but that's what I see having happened. The MSM are shocked because it is shocking.
Trump keeps a tidy ship. Mutiny is not entertained for even a second, regardless of whom is propping up whom. If someone is in a position to screw Trump over, he openly welcomes them to try. In fact, his record shows he puts some of the least trustworthy fuckers in positions of power so that all the spotlights are on them.
The Media blasts Trump with so much scrutiny, that they are flabbergasted when he turns that attention against them and shows the asses of those who are "supposed" to be on his team. He uses the energies against him to put a spotlight on those working against him. Every time the Media shirks away suddenly from something that looks bad for Trump, it's because they got the memo that they are sabotaging their own guy's efforts behind the veil. Every time they ignore a story we all think would hurt Trump, I read it as them pulling their hand back from hovering over the chessboard and thinking about how they just fucked themselves up real good last turn and how to get out of this mess they made.
Trump keeps doing this, and they keep falling for it...
Trump acted tactfully with his sledgehammer yesterday to DeSantis' ego. He showed that DeSantis' support isn't something he cares about losing. He Warp-Sped this drama fight the Media cooked up and now what they had planned on dragging out until 2024 is gonna be over in a week or two.
That's my take on the situation. It doesn't matter anymore what side you take, DeSantis versus Trump. It doesn't even matter if DeSantis is a sleeper.
Trump just fucked his shit up whether he was in on it or not. Trump set him as an example. "If you can't keep the Media from fluffing your dick; if you can't keep your ship tidy, then you don't deserve to be in my Armada."
If DeSantis wants to put on his big-boy pants, he'll formally announce he will not run against Trump and that everyone saying he should can go fuck themselves. Trump isn't playing around, and if DeSantis wants to go at it, then Trump is signaling he is prepared to end this shit now, not later.
Sorry for the excess vulgarity, but I'm tired of this nonsense equally as much as I have no patience for catty, gossiping little bitches forming cliques and spreading rumors. Anyone doing that can go to hell and die, in that order. It's pissing me off...
Why did they shut down gaming chat during FF events?
One last mention...
When you read these, to get the full understanding you gotta think like an evil motherfucker.
Taking this back to NFTs...
Think. Like. An. Evil. Mother. Fucker.
Child Porn + NFTs...
Put the pieces together. Think long and hard about it.
It makes me fucking sick...
NFT just gives people ownership of a digital asset. No CP morons would tie themselves to owning something like that.
You're not thinking evil enough.
Think cryptography.
You can register an encrypted image or other digital asset. On the face it looks like an image of a monkey or a pdf of a turkey recipe. In reality, if you plug it into the right decryption algorithm you can hide any sort of material in it. Only the person with the key to unlock it can do so.
Or, at the very least, you can plop in some instructions. Or a contract.
Slave contracts? Drug trade agreements? Insider trading take sheets?
NFT's are poised to be new stand ins for big money transfers. Just like how Hunter Biden laundered money through his cheap art pieces. They're just mirrors and analogues for bigger deals at the very least. NFT's, however, offer a method for the art itself to be the value traded.
Why do it this way, you may ask?
So it's all manageable in plain sight, but masked from prying eyes. So you don't have to crawl in the shadows to do "business." Even the police and authorities can't track it. With so many potential NFT blockchains capable at running, how could they possibly crack down on it without sabotaging the market as a whole?
You see, if you are gonna do some really crooked shit you gotta tack it on to an "essential" property. Graft your illegal scheme onto something people rely on and people will ignore your crimes because they refuse to sacrifice a "good thing."
In reality, it was all rigged from the start. That's the logic behind the phrase "too big to fail."
Hospitals are responsible for more illicit deaths than famine and street violence combined. They harvest organs, put you on treatment plans that make you sicker, and force you to leverage your house to pay medical bills. It's a parasite on society. But because they're the ones who give us band-aids when we scrape our knee, obviously we have to overlook their fraud and murder because the whole system is "too big to fail."
NFT, Bitcoin, etc... On paper they aren't a problem. In practice, however, you can tack a good amount of illicit activity upon them. Once they get "too big to fail" then you've locked into society a permanent host upon which you can lay any parasite of your choosing.
You could say the same about ANY encryption technology.
You know what Web3 can do for us? It can stop censorship. Remember when 8chan was taken down because their service providers were pushed by glowies to shut it down?
DECENTRALIZED is good. It takes the cabals power away from them.
Reread that conversation. They plot their False Flag events on the game chats prior.
They close down the chat channel during the operation so no one fucks with the timeline. Once the "memo" is sent, then they have to adhere strictly to the exact same game plan -- what was last said in the chat logs.
This is how they coordinate MSM coverage for the 4:00am talking points. Think back to Uvalde. Think back to how all the MSM outlets aligned to a strict timeline, a strict understanding of the events, and most importantly a strict narrative to push down our throats.
It all begins on the game chat channels. Using coded language. I stress to you, read through that conversation. It's one of many examples...
It's not just False Flags. They also do the same with big drug pushes like at the border. Different games are different Mirrors, different "realms" of illicit trade. Why did Soros shove millions into Activision-Blizzard?
Back channels. White Hats took down too many of their back channels, and Soros needed to add some for his "Summer of Love" shenanigans. Who organized the brick drops? Where did they plan everything?
Why is Bobby Kotick the most paid CEO in US business?
It goes so much deeper. Like I said, politics, sex, and drugs are all tied into what we know as "gaming" chats and forums.
All this in mind, it makes you think twice when a country bans a game service, aye?
GamerGate meant so much more than just journalists selling out for game coverage. It led to PizzaGate. It led to Comet PingPong.
We're here, with this knowledge, because they got sloppy in the gaming realm...
The well goes deep, for those willing to dive...
Why did they use gaming chat to coordinate?
Gaming chats can be shut down, the records tossed, and investigations into the vaporware go nowhere. It's the cleanest route to shut things down if they go south as well as the best excuse to have a chat feature that millions of messages get sent on organically. It's good cover.
More than that, as you can see by their usage of words, they can hide their conversation using the game's items and terms as analogues.
Take WoW for example. Goblins are obviously based on Jews. Orcs based on black people. Polymorph turns people and things into sheep. You can set up a role-play scenario to practice business deals.
What seems to onlookers to be a fun little role play session is in actuality a perfect stand in for business arrangements. Spells cast, items traded, gold transferred -- all stand ins for bigger deals going on over our heads.
It's a place to meet. A place to plot. All draped in a fantasy world so that cops and investigators get lost in the jargon.
Instead of mafia types meeting under piers and in parking garages, they moved them to the internet -- in video games. It's great for them, because these games don't even have borders in most cases. You don't have to risk actually showing up to a meeting and a bust come and get you. "It's all safe and secure."
"records tossed"
Nothing is ever lost on the internet. NSA has everything including game chats.