Has FOX ever reversed a "call"? I don't think so, the fix is in. Seems the cheat is focused on the Senate seats. NV called the Gov race for the Republican, but not the Senate. Laxalt will probably lose, Kari will probably win with a heavy democrat state government bogging her down
The fake news media thinks people can't do math. At the current 85% reporting there's ~385k votes left to be counted. Right now Masters is down ~124k votes against the thief. If 70% of the remaining ballots voted R (highly likely if they are in-person election day ballots), the thief is OUT.
Turn off fox
Just wait until the 300k KAri ballots come in like she has been promising.
They lie for a living. Of course they're calling it blue.
Fox always calls AZ too early
Okay if this is what is happening Fox/ the fake news is trying to call for the election and hoping to lay on the pressure...
Has FOX ever reversed a "call"? I don't think so, the fix is in. Seems the cheat is focused on the Senate seats. NV called the Gov race for the Republican, but not the Senate. Laxalt will probably lose, Kari will probably win with a heavy democrat state government bogging her down
The fake news media thinks people can't do math. At the current 85% reporting there's ~385k votes left to be counted. Right now Masters is down ~124k votes against the thief. If 70% of the remaining ballots voted R (highly likely if they are in-person election day ballots), the thief is OUT.
Is that Jewish fella from 2020 still running the FAUX NEWS ‘election desk’? Get Kanye on the case!